Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Time Out

Today I am getting a babysitter for an entire HOUR and meeting my friend for coffee. Technically it's not really alone time, since I am still going to have Henry (almost 10 mos.) and she's going to have her little guy, too. But it's better than having babies AND toddlers to chase! We are going to an actual non-Starbuckian coffee shop to have "adult conversation." Most days I don't even know what that means, as my "poo" and "gosh" laden posts belie. I am looking forward to it, though.

I hemmed my babysitter's pants this morning. Man oh man, I love my new Singer. That thing sewed through the denim like buttah. The ol' Merritt wouldn't have done such a stellar job. It tended to snag on heavyweight fabrics, even with the proper needle. Not so, Singer C-550, you wonderful thing, you!

Today post-coffee I plan on attacking the smock again. Yesterday afforded me no sewing time, so I am itching to do something today. Hopefully the smock looks awesome when finished, and not like a plaid sack. Although I am not even sure why I picked the smock pattern in the first place, because I always look like a pregnant lady in them. Not that it's any stretch, as I usually *am* pregnant (I joke that I have spent more of my married years pregnant than not, and I have been married nine years), but it truly is not a flattering design for me. Gosh darnit if I can't resist the siren song of the smock pattern every time I am at the fabric store. When will I learn?
Smock jumble:

1 comment:

MadeByAmanda said...

But the smock tops look so comfortable!